About Me

Dr. Kimberly Adams Tufts
Career Strategist, Certified Life Coach

I'm here to champion your success by focusing on the challenges you face in securing tenure, achieving promotion, and establishing pay equity.

I understand the intricacies of the faculty landscape. My experience in the academic ranks, from instructor to full professor, helps me tailor this coaching process specifically for you.

In addition to my teaching roles, I’ve held leadership positions ranging from program coordinator to associate dean, providing me with invaluable insights into the academic culture and work environment. Moreover, as a doctorally prepared nurse practitioner and certified life coach, my skill set extends beyond the confines of academia. I've also served as a founding Executive Director of a healthcare center and as the Chief of Education, Research & Development at a Veterans medical center.

Throughout my academic career, I coached and mentored more than 25 doctoral students and 15 early-career faculty members. It's an honor for me to empower and support faculty women, like yourself, on the journey toward success.

Together, we'll unlock your true potential, ensuring you thrive in your career and contribute to a more equitable and inclusive academic community.