Program Overview

My signature program consists of 1:1 private and individualized coaching sessions with me.

These sessions are centered around your personal needs, goals, and desires. The overview below is an outline for a typical program. Clients who complete at least one 90-day program may also have the opportunity to join a 6-month group mastermind program.

Program Overview for 90-day Transformational Coaching

Session 1: What I Really Want

Session 2: Exploring & Values Alignment

Session 3: Saying Yes to Self

Session 4: Energy Audit & Clearing the Clutter

Session 5: Taking Empowered Action

Session 6: What About That Sabotage?

Session 7: Actions, Actions, Actions

Session 8: Structured Accountability

Session 9: Acknowledgement

Session 10: Stepping Back

Session 11: The New Norm

Session 12: New Beginnings